Agnes Obel, la magie à l’état pur

Grâce à Radio Paradise j’ai récemment découvert une artiste danoise appelée Agnes Obel.

Le genre de morceau qui font dresser l’oreille, se demandant à qui appartient cette voix superbe, épurée, soutenue par un piano subtil (instrument que j’adore). Parfois accompagnée par des accords à la harpe ou à la contrebasse, sans pour autant la masquer.

RP passe quelques morceaux1, principalement d’Aventine, le 2ème album d’Agnes Obel, pur joyau de musique du genre de ceux qui font interrompre toute activité pour se consacrer à l’écoute.

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À ma fille Ondine

Tu aurais eu 6 ans aujourd’hui. Tu nous manques, à tes sœurs, ta mère et moi.

Nous t’aimons.

En mémoire : Ondine

Human behaviour

Foreword: this is not a just-for-ranting-blog but it seems News flying around these days are just “rant fodder” :(

TL;DR: I am ashamed of being a man. Please read on if you want to help.

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Last day at EuroBSDCon

Last day of the EuroBSDCon 2014 conference (ok, there are only two days anyway :)) with all three tracks as yesterday, another keynote and the closing session where the next EuroBSDCon host is traditionally announced.

Like yesterday, I only chaired some talks so I’m going to talk only about the ones I followed.

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EuroBSDCon Conference begins!

Very busy day today at the EuroBSDCon 2014 conference in Sofia, Bulgaria as I had to chair one entire track from morning to evening.

That means assuring the speakers are there on time, introducing each of them in a few words and managing questions after the talk is finished (while managing the time of course).

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Second day in Sofia

Slightly less busy day during the second run of devsummit sessions, although the ones in the morning were pretty important for us.

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First day in Sofia

So today was the first day of the EuroBSDCOn 2014 conference, traditionally starting by two days of FreeBSD devsummit, a meeting of FreeBSD developers, talking about various topics and thinking about FreeBSD’s future.

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SF&F 2013 discovery: Lindsay Buroker

It is no secret that I like Science Fiction & Fantasy (my Goodreads profile shows that :)) and I like classical authors such as Michael Moorcock1 , Isaac Asimov and of course J. R. R. Tolkien. I’m not reading only these of course and my list of authors has been growing over the years.

One genre I’ve been reading into lately is Steampunk which mix steam-powered machinery with special things such as post-apocalyptic world or magic.

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J’ai mal

J’ai mal.

Je ne comprends plus ces députés, ce pays, ces ministres et ce Président, pour lequel j’ai pourtant voté en avril 2012, voulant bouter N. Sarkozy de la place suprême, ne le supportant plus.

Oh, je n’espérais pas énormément de F. Hollande, ses années à la tête du Parti socialiste n’étant pas de nature à rassurer mais virer Sarkozy était l’objectif primordial. Je m’attendais à un président aussi mou que J. Chirac lors de son deuxième mandat.

Mais je ne m’attendais pas à ÇA.

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New releases of calife & books-utils

I have a few software utilities, from long ago (esp. Calife for which I release new versions. I’ll now announce them right here :)


I just issued release 3.0.4 of Calife. Please test. You can find it on my Bitbucket or Gibhub repositories. There is a fingerprints file signed with my GPG key. Please, check the signature before using the files. BTW, the GPG key is here

I added the %group syntax in addition to the current @group one. It also uses a more secure memzero(3) routine. It is also in the FreeBSD ports tree.


Release 0.4.0 of books-utils is available.

books-utils is intended to be a Ruby gem with utilities dealing with e-book management, generally associated with the wonderful Calibre utility.

It mainly consists of (for now) the newer-than script that look into a Calibre database for new books and display this list in various formats JSON, XML and YAML) and/or send it to Pastebin a popular copy-paste site and/or generate a Zip file with all files. The code is on Github.