2019 in books


As always, a mix of re-reading books I like and new authors & series and some disappointements as well, nothing is perfect…

I did not achieve the 2019 Goodreads contest this time, partly because this has been a bad year work-wise (no I won’t give any details, please don’t ask) and I went another way to compensate for this, I started being more serious about playing World of Tanks1 so it took most of my time. Still read a decent number of books but I felt I didn’t have enough energy to give to books, WoT is easier on my mind in these times. I did not write any blog posts either as you can see apart from these ones.

Our friends at Goodreads have done some nicely presented stats here and this article will go in more details than just stats :)

To the books!

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2018 in books (LONG)


Once again, I was too shy and blew away my challenge of 42 with reading… 100 1! This was an exceptional year for reading. Not that I mind though but I shall try next year to be more precise… :)

Our friends at Goodreads have done some nicely presented stats here and this article will go in more details than just stats :)

As always, a mix of re-reading books I like and new authors & series and some disappointements as well, nothing is perfect… This article is fairly long of course, due to the much higher number of books :)

To the books!

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10 ans…


10 ans déjà… depuis ce 21 octobre 2008 où tu es née sans souffle.

Nous t’aimons, nous ne t’oublierons jamais.

In memoriam

Golang API wrapper for the SSLabs API


I have now completed my API Wrapper series with this new one for the SSLLabs API, currently at v3. It is the perfect complement to the Cryptcheck) API and the Mozilla Observatory one I published earlier.

Welcome to the Golang API wrapper, now at version 0.10.0 (and using Semantic Versioning to ensure compatibility) and available on Github there.

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MTA-STS or the worst of everything…


This is a rant. You are warned. Expect strong language. There be Dragons. You can still get away.

I have been protecting my personal DNS zone with DNSSEC for quite some time, it was not difficult, I used the “DNSSEC in 6 minutes” presentation a few years ago and it worked. I have changed the way I manage my zones mainly because Let’s Encrypt happened in my TLS certificates workflow but still use DNSSEC. It is fine.

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Golang API wrapper for the Mozilla Observatory


Like I did for the cryptcheck.fr API in the previous article), please welcome the API wrapper for the Mozilla Observatory API. The Mozilla Observatory is a site which include many tests for websites including TLS (SSLLabs & Cryptcheck) and HTTP-related ones (XSS protection, X-Frame, Content Security Policy and many others).

My Golang API wrapper, now at version 1.0.0 (and using Semantic Versioning to ensure compatibility) is available on Github there.

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Golang API wrapper for cryptcheck.fr


Many of you know the SSLLabs site. Built by Qualys, Inc., it enables anyone to test various TLS-related parameters for given website running on port 443 (the default for TLS). But did you know there is also the cryptcheck.fr one? Formerly known as Imirhil, it allow not only for https websites to be tested but also SMTP, IMAP, SSH and general TLS (using a different port like a few API do) ones.

Both are integrated in the Mozilla Observatory which also include more tests such as HTTP headers and whether a given site is pre-loaded in browsers (HSTS).

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Avoir de bonnes résolutions, c’est important


Cet article est né du constat que plein de gens, pour plein de bonnes raisons, ne savent pas vraiment comment fonctionne la résolution des noms et adresses IP sur les équipements. Du coup, l’annonce de Cloudflare sur (et dans une certaine mesure celle plus ancienne de Quad9) fait se poser plein de questions sur les performances et la gestion de la vie privée sur ces aspects.

J’essaie donc — comme sur Twitter 1 début avril — d’expliquer du mieux possible tout ça. Comme d’habitude, le diable est dans les détails et si l’offre Cloudflare est intéressante, il ne faut pas faire les choses à moitié.

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De la cryptographie dans l’Histoire - épisode 3 : Midway

WWII : Le tournant de la guerre dans le Pacifique

J’en ai un peu parlé dans le premier article de cette série, celui consacré à la mort de l’Amiral Yamamoto. La bataille de Midway, qui se passe peu de temps après la bataille de la Mer de Corail en mai 1942, marque la fin de la suprématie japonaise et l’arrêt des conquêtes. C’est aussi l’aboutissement d’années d’efforts conjugués entre Américains et Britanniques dans le domaine cryptographique pour casser les codes statégiques japonais, notamment le JN-25.

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De la cryptographie dans l’Histoire - épisode 2 : Dreyfus

L’Affaire Dreyfus et le plus fameux télégramme de la Belle époque

Comment la cryptographie a permis d’innocenter le principal accusé de l’affaire Dreyfus

L’affaire Dreyfus restera comme la plus connue des histoires d’espionnage de la Belle époque, moins pour les aspects liés à la cryptographie qu’à ceux liés à l’antisémitisme d’une partie de la population.

L’affaire ébranlera la République au travers de la chute du gouvernement Dupuy et le « J’accuse ! » de Zola.

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